
Bring People Together

Broadening Engagement in Stewardship

For our February 16, 2024 Friday Forum, attended by 30 people, Barry and Mark discussed the need to increase engagement in stewardship within Unitarian Universalist congregations. They emphasized a shift from an “I culture” to a “we culture” and the importance of involving more people in stewardship at various stages. The Forum also addressed the

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Create a 5-Year Strategic Financial Plan

Is it easy and painless to balance your operating budget each year? Are you facing a budget deficit?  Are you able to set aside sufficient reserves?  Do most of your members (and pledging friends) understand the financial realities of your congregation?  Is everyone comfortable talking about money and its relationship to mission?  Is it easy

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Living Into Stewardship Now

Many of you joined us at UUA’s General Assembly in June 2023 for our webinar Living Into Stewardship Now. There were numerous ideas shared during the presentation, the breakout groups and in the chat. We discussed stewardship engagement in your congregation, connection and beloved community creation, the gifts and challenges of stewardship today, UU theology

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