Financial Feasibility Study


A Financial Feasibility Study (FFS) is a vitally important part of any successful capital or special campaign for any organization. An FFS is based on extensive  in-person interviews and analysis to help assess preparedness and surface other useful information for a campaign, before it is launched. FFSs need to be conducted by a neutral outsider who is a skilled interviewer, so that the responses are candid and complete, and the resulting data is valid and useful. Consultants from the Stewardship  for Us Team have worked with many congregations using this process, supporting campaigns for large and small capital projects, ranging from less than $1M to in excess of $2.5M.

Financial Feasibility Studies deliver a wealth of information:

  • Determine potential response within discrete demographic or activity groups
  • Assess familiarity with plan and rationale
  • Test key messages and identify effective language
  • Surface challenges, opportunities, or barriers that may arise during the campaign
  • Identify potential volunteers and willingness to participate
  • Discover major-gift prospects and people to be included in the Leadership Phase of the campaign
  • Solicit potential contribution amounts so an appropriate campaign goal can be determined and targeted “asks” can be determined
  • Identify people who have made planned/legacy gifts or would be interested in doing so


  • Prepares congregants, most of whom have never participated in a capital campaign, for considering major gifts as growth in thier understanding of stewardship
  • Creates an appropriate context for financial commitment levels
  • Helps refine the communications messages and strategies
  • Identifies areas where further education and engagement are needed, or where building plans might be refined to inspire increased giving
  • Inspires confidence in the congregation for the campaign
  • Provides valuable data and intelligence for the leadership
  • Participants feel honored to be included and have their information contribute to the study

What we Offer:

Our support includes the orientation of the lay leaders who help coordinate the process for the congregation. We work with them to identify participants for the study group so that the information is provided by a representative demographic. We coordinate with lay leaders to craft questions specifically for your campaign and congregation. We provide recommendations and samples for the invitation to participate in the study, and to inform the broader congregation about the process. We conduct the interviews with discretion and maintain strict confidentiality except where people give express permission to share specific information. We compile and analyze the data, providing both a written and verbal report to congregational leadership.  Finally, we consult with leadership to help inform governance and congregational polity processes using the results.

Because the process of a Financial Feasibility Study is intensive, and valuable to a campaign itself, the timing of an FFS is important. A Next Steps Weekend provides more general indicators of preparedness and helps identify timeframes and action items leading up to your FFS. Contact us to discuss your particular goals and circumstances.

Reviews of Financial Feasibility Study Services

Home visits well received

“Kay gave us good advice … about the state of our financial picture and guidance about how best to proceed. We planned a clear campaign and made home visits which were well received. The service was a very good value for the cost and helped us a great deal.”  

President, Bozeman Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Extremely accurate predictions

“Barry was very effective in his work with our campaign staff, and was extremely accurate in his predictions about our fundraising potential. His interviews with our leadership donors were also very effective. I have had several opportunities to speak with leaders in other congregations around the country about Barry’s abilities. I and others at First Unitarian recommended him highly without hesitation.”

John Hartgering, Treasurer, First Unitarian Church of Orlando.

Rachel’s work as been invaluable

Your work and presence and experience have been absolutely invaluable. You are worth ten times what we are paying you.

Rev. Elizabeth Stevens, UU Church of the Palouse, Moscow ID

Knowledgeable, inspiring, down to earth

“Kay Crider was a terrific resource. Knowledgeable, inspiring and very down-to-earth. She helped us at each step, and was a calming influence when the anxiety started to rise! She helped us bring in both the annual pledge drive and the capital campaign drive, both exceeding our goals!”

Rev. Ruth Rinehart, Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Smartest decision our board could have made

“Kay has been an amazing resource and having engaged her was one of the smartest decisions our board could have made.”

Jason Hall, Co-Chair of Capital Campaign, Conejo Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Expertise immeasurably helpful

“As a minister, engaging in my first building project/capital campaign, I found the expertise of our consultant immeasurably helpful. She provided what we needed, when we needed it, while empowering us to stretch our leadership. We could not have done it without her, yet we feel we did it ourselves. The sign of great consultancy!”

Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Great information and great coach

“We could not have done this campaign without Kay’s help. And at difficult times she offered great information and was a great coach to us.”

Larry Sherwood, Co-Chair of Combined Annual & Capital Campaign, Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship