Stewardship Boosters Cohort – GA 2024

In the challenges of the current times, a time when many congregations have fewer people on Sunday mornings, fewer pledging households, fewer fundraisers, fewer rentals, and all around less money coming through the doors, we must choose carefully what we invest in. And need to understand our available resources and develop our capacity for stewarding our congregations into this uncertain future.

At GA this year, Stewardship for Us is leading the Stewardship Boosters Cohort. Over the course of three days during GA, Thursday through Saturday, we will explore at what resources we have, how we can increase our capacity for stewardship, and develop some tools for getting us where we want to go. We’ll have some fun along the way! We would love to have you join us for all or any of our Cohort gatherings.

In preparation for our first day, Stewardship for Us asked a group of panelists representing different stakeholders; a parish minister, a board president, and a leader in an affiliate organization of the UUA, What should our congregations be investing in right now? We hope you’ll think about this question and join us at GA in the Stewardship Boosters cohort.

The full panel discussion will be presented at our Stewardship Boosters Cohort gatherings on Day#1: Thursday June 20th. We hope this snippet will inspire you to join us in exploring Investment and Endowments at this time.

What kind of investment is needed now for vibrant and sustaining Unitarian Universalist congregations?



Day #1: Investing in the Future: Budgets, Reserves, and Endowments.

  • Cohorts AM Gathering #1
    10:30 AM ET / 9:30 AM CT / 8:30 AM MT / 7:30 AM PT
    (1.5 hours)
    Participants can choose between attending a Cohort Gathering in the morning or afternoon. This flexibility accommodates various scheduling preferences and time zones.
  • Cohorts PM Gathering #1
    8:30 PM ET / 7:30 PM CT / 6:30 PM MT / 5:30 PM PT
    (1.5 hours)

Day #2: Capacity Building: Increasing Volunteer Resources

  • Cohorts AM Gathering #2
    11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 9:00 AM MT / 8:00 AM PT
    (1 hour)
  • Cohorts PM Gathering #2
    8:30 PM ET / 7:30 PM CT / 6:30 PM MT / 5:30 PM PT
    (1 hour)

Day #3: Asking: Practice and Settings

  • Cohorts AM Gathering #2
    11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 9:00 AM MT / 8:00 AM PT
    (1 hour)
  • Cohorts PM Gathering #2
    8:30 PM ET / 7:30 PM CT / 6:30 PM MT / 5:30 PM PT
    (1 hour)

6 thoughts on “Stewardship Boosters Cohort – GA 2024”

  1. Question: May I attend an evening cohort session on Thursday then switch to the morning sessions on Friday and Saturday?

    1. Yes you absolutely can come to morning or evening, your choice. Each day the morning and evening have the same content, yet different attendees, so the discussion will be unique each time. Hope to see you there!

  2. Hi – I’m interested in viewing the Cohort meetings but can’t a way to join! Help please! Thank you. Denise

    1. You can join our cohort by going to the agenda in the Whova app where it says the cohorts, clicking on that and then choosing the Stewardship Boosters Cohort there. Unfortunately you can’t participate unless you are registered for GA. Hope this helps! Mark

  3. Hi Mark or Rachel, I am a registered delegate, but had numerous family obligations yesterday. I hope to join cohort tonight. Was yesterday’s session taped? Or will there be a summary online? Thanks much

    1. Great you can join the cohort tonight! The one yesterday was videoed but the quality was not good enough to distribute. However, we are working on a blog post about it. Watch this page for that after General Assembly!

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