S4Us Annual Pledge Drive Survey: Please Take it!

Photo of compass to show the search for direction
Creative Commons photo from Flickr user Theresa Thompson

People often ask us, “What is a usual median pledge?” “What pledge quartiles are congregations getting these days; have they changed?”  “What pledge drive strategies are working?” You may have other questions like these, whose answers might be very helpful in trying to improve your stewardship. For that reason we are gathering data from you about your most recent pledge drive and the one before (for comparison). We hope to get as much data as we can, so please spread the word to other congregations!

As in the past, we will gather the data and aggregate them, then report to you in a blog post. We will also have a web gathering to give the results in person and take questions about them.  Our hope is two-fold: 1) that you might look strategically at your congregation’s data, and 2) that you will learn about what other congregations are doing and how well it is working. Both of these which might be useful in planning for your next pledge drive cycle.

Here is the survey link:


Please respond to it as soon as you can. We will keep the survey open until July 31, 2024. For our reporting to be useful to you in the next cycle, we want to get the report out before Homecoming.

Note: if you cannot complete the survey in one sitting, you can leave and return to complete it. Before you leave the survey do not click on the  “Done” button on the last page, just exit. Then when you are ready to complete it, use the same computer to reach the survey and your previous entries should be there. When you are finished, you can safely click on the “Done” button, and the data will be captured.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know!

2 thoughts on “S4Us Annual Pledge Drive Survey: Please Take it!”

    1. Oh you are correct Dave, my oversight! I will make sure it is added next year. I don’t want to change it now and throw off the responses we already got. Thanks for letting me know! Mark

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