Question Box

The Stewardship for Us team is hosting a Question Box Forum on Friday December 11th at 1pm Eastern.

What would you like to know? About us? About Stewardship? About Mission and Vision? About Strategy? About Planning? 


The entire Stewardship for Us team will be together on Friday the 11th of December to talk with you about what’s on your mind! Send us your questions before Saturday; just email: Look for an email with a zoom link later this week.

Here is a brief introduction to the team:

Liz Coit

Liz at a favorite spot: Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA

Favorite thing to do during the pandemic:  I take seriously getting off the PC and out the door.  I’ve turned a ½ mile route in my hilly neighborhood into a lap, and walk it 4 times at least 5 times/week always with mask on.  Even this short trip features changes in the landscape and the people and dogs I see along the way.  A wave of my hand replaces a smile. 

Favorite generosity quote:

Giving brings happiness at every stage of its expression: We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous; we experience joy in the actual act of giving something; and we experience joy in remembering that we have given.  ~ Lamaa Surya Das, quoting the Buddha

Kay Crider

Happy Kay with covid cat

Favorite thing to do during the pandemic: 

I love to play with my covid cat during covid!

Favorite generosity quote:

Generosity is making love manifest in the world; it is offering our gifts in the service of building the beloved community.
~ Rev. Thomas Disrud

Mark Ewert

Mark bows to the llama

Favorite thing to do during the pandemic: I grew up, and have lived my adult life, traveling  a lot – far and wide. Since I can’t do that right now, I have been exploring foreign places and things to do on the web – as if I will go there soon. This is not a productive activity and may turn out to be wasted time, but it is interesting!

Favorite generosity quote:

The cultivation of generosity is the beginning of spiritual awakening. Generosity has tremendous force because it arises from an inner quality of letting go. Being able to let go, to give up, to renounce, and to give generously all spring from the same source, and when we practice generosity, dana, we open up these qualities within ourselves. Letting go gives us profound freedom and many loving ways to express that freedom. Generosity is the beginning of the path.  ~ Sharon Salzberg

Barry Finkelstein

Barry with Brandy and Clyde

Favorite thing to do during the pandemic:   Music has been a sustaining force for me during the pandemic.  I have spent more time than ever playing the various instruments I play and have managed to do some collaborations despite the need to be socially distant. The power of music was always important but never so much as these past nine months.

Favorite generosity quote:

Human beings have a natural impulse to be generous, but this impulse must be nurtured and developed to its full expression as a part of one’s character. It is a lifelong process. Charitable giving and philanthropy is learned behavior, reflecting one’s values, attitudes, and beliefs. The teachings of one’s faith community around giving and generosity are highly influential in instilling the value and practice of generous behaviors (sharing, charitable giving, voluntarism). ~  Laurel Amabile, UUA

Rachel Maxwell

Rachel on the streets

Favorite thing to do during the pandemic: I love to walk on the beach or in the forest – it restores my well-being and reminds me that the world is SO beautiful!

Favorite generosity quote:

Giving is a miracle that can transform the heaviest of hearts. Two people, who moments before lived in separate worlds of private concerns, suddenly meet each other over a simple act of sharing. The world expands, a moment of goodness is created, and something new comes into being where before there was nothing… But true giving is not an economic exchange; it is a generative act. It does not subtract from what we have; it multiplies the effect we can have in the world.  ~ Kent Nerburn

Liz Coit, Kay Crider, Mark Ewert, Barry Finkelstein and Rachel Maxwell are part of the Stewardship for Us team. Please send your questions and topic suggestions for our blog or online Friday Forum discussions to