It’s All in the Chat

So much of our congregational journeys over the past two years have been over uncharted territory. We need to share our experiences with each other so we can all benefit from the collective wisdom and experience of the pandemic times. One place we do that is in “the chat” of all the many meetings and gatherings we join.

You shared some of the facts about your experiences formally, by responding to our congregational surveys in Spring of 2020 and this past summer. You also shared in a UUA sponsored survey Spring of 2021. (We highly recommend you take a look at the results because there is wisdom embedded in them.)

The Chat box in our Zoom meetings is one kind of sacred space. It holds not only information but also deep wisdom. 

The following are all from the chats of our November workshop series for MidSize congregations in the MidAmerica Region:

One person shared that online giving had increased significantly in their congregation over the course of the pandemic. And someone responded:

I would REALLY like to know how you increased your online giving! 

Here’s our answer:  Frictionless Giving. What would your answer be?

Another question from the chatbox was: 

Does the UUA have that one kind of account you have to have to accept stock for the congregation?

Answer: Yes it does! The UUA can receive gifts of stock on behalf any UU congregation or recognized UU entity through their Umbrella Giving program.

In a separate workshop for ministers, one participant asked in the chat: 

Do you have any great ideas for how a minister can show meaningful appreciation for the stewardship volunteers other than effusive thank yous? 

Here is some of the wisdom shared by their peers:

  • Conduct a storytelling workshop for volunteers
  • Align Soul Matters and stewardship with themes year-round
  • Meet with testimonial writers 

And here are some powerful chat words which we share with the express permission of the author, the Reverend Scot Hull of the UU Society of Geneva, Illinois:

Going to church is an act of counter-cultural resistance. Giving money to your church is an act that prioritizes community, connection, and engagement over consumerism and isolation and work-ism.

Rev. Scot Hull of the UU Society of Geneva, IL

The Stewardship for Us team is grateful each and every one of you who have participated in the chat – in our workshops, commenting through our blogs or joining our Friday Forums. Keep chatting!