Cornerstones of Effective Stewardship

UUA Congregational Life and Stewardship for Us announce a 3-part national webinar series in early 2023: 

Registration fee is $30 per webinar or register for all three at the discounted rate of $75
Deadline to Register: January 19
Find out more and register

TUESDAYS, 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET, 6:00-7:30 CT, 5:00-6:30 MT, 4:00-5:30 PT
January 24th, January 31st, and February 7th
Please join us for information sharing and story-telling on three key topics impacting our annual stewardship drives and other fundraising activities:

Part 1: January 24th:
The Multiplatform CONTEXT
Now that a multiplatform world is here for good, how do we steward a multiple-form congregation? Who is part of our congregations? Let’s explore what stewardship could look like in a permanent multi-platform, in-person and online congregation.

Part 2: January 31st:
The Multicultural/multiracial World
Has your congregation been exploring the 8th Principle, working on antiracism and multiculturalism? How do these efforts connect with stewardship practices? 
Come join us to explore values- and faith-aligned stewardship, widening the circle to promote multicultural engagement and equity-based systems. 

Part 3: February 7th:
The Changing Multigenerational DemographicS
Our congregations may comprise 3, 4, or 5 generations now, each with its own approach to spirituality, community, activism, money, and more. Let’s share strategic and creative ideas and experiences in sustaining multigenerational communities of generosity and commitment.