Annual Survey: Please Respond About Your Pledge Drives

Picture of a male land surveyor and his tripod
Source: Flickr user, Amy Washuta

In Spring of 2020 and 2021, we gathered information from this community about their pledge drives and reported back on our findings. You can find those reports here and here. Time to do a new one!

We invite you now to participate in this follow-up impact survey, and help us gather information and perspective on how congregations fared last year and are faring in this waning year of the Covid-19 pandemic.  We designed this 10-minute survey to obtain wider understanding about congregational stewardship and the adjustments congregations have made last year both last year and in the most recent cycle. This survey is for you, whether you have a Fall or Spring drive!  

We are seeing pledge themes about resilience, staying strong together, deepening connections, and broadening our beloved communities.  Please help us by completing this survey to the best of your knowledge, or please forward it to someone with more knowledge about your annual pledge drives.  We will share the results in a future blog and webinar as we did last year. 

Please complete the survey by Wednesday May 31st. Thank you! 

Note: You can go in and submit information then leave and go in again on the same computer to add or amend information. However, once you click on the SUBMIT button, you cannot get back into your survey. 

Purpose of Survey:

Obtain wider knowledge on congregational stewardship and pledge drives and the transitions congregations have undertaken since the pandemic and congregational programs took hold of our country.
Provide an overview sense of denominational shifts in pledge drive strategies and results.

Here is your link to the survey

If you have any questions or issues filling out the survey, please email us at or

Thanks so much for your participation!