Legacy Challenge Video Posted

The Wake Now Our Vision (WNOV) Collaborative Campaign have posted a powerful new video on their page:


It is engaging, colorful, has wonderful messages, and packs a lot in a short video (just over 2 minutes)!

Not only is this a wonderful example of a good stewardship video, you can show it in your congregation to encourage gifts that can be matched thanks to a generous grant from the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock. You can show it:

  • At a workshop on financial planning
  • During an adult spiritual development course on money, charitable giving, or living out our UU values
  • At your annual meeting
  • At a thank you event for your pledgers
  • At a coffee hour stewardship table

The video can be downloaded to a computer if you will be showing it somewhere without internet connection – or with one that you are concerned is unstable.

Your own planned giving campaign will be much more effective if you are prepared to implement it well beyond this matching opportunity. And you want to be ready to deal with the responses! If you need some help with this let us know.

Happy Spring!

Mark EwertMark Ewert is a stewardship consultant with the Stewardship For Us team. Mark works with congregations on their Long Term Stewardship programs and can be reached at mewert@stewardshipforus.com, via the UUA’s Congregational Stewardship Resources page, (http://www.uua.org/finance/fundraising/consulting), or through your regional staff.