NEW: The Stewardship For Us team will offer a Zoom Symposium every Friday at 10 AM Pacific time (11 am Mountain, Noon Central, 1 pm Eastern), until further notice. Each will have a different Zoom login code that will be announced that week. There will be no registration and we will blog about it with the materials, in case you can’t participate. The topics will be decided based on urgent needs we are hearing from you, so let us know what would be most helpful!
We realize this is VERY short notice, but we are doing one TOMORROW.
Zoom Symposium: Budgeting in Uncertain Times
Join the Gathering: https://zoom.us/j/252064544
Meeting ID: 252 064 544
Other Resources are available! Check them out:
Virtual Stewardship Salon. Hosted by UUA Stewardship and Development. Offered twice weekly through May.
UUA LeaderLab
- UUA Regional staff, website, communications
Mark Ewert is a stewardship consultants with the Stewardship For Us team. Mark works with congregations on their stewardship programs and can be reached at Team@stewardshipforus.com, via the UUA’s Congregational Stewardship Resources page (http://www.uua.org/finance/fundraising/consulting) or through your regional staff.

Mark Ewert is a stewardship consultant, a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®), and a professional leadership and philanthropy coach (PCC) certified with the International Coaching Federation.
His experience includes founding a nonprofit, working as a fundraiser, and leading a national organization. Reach Mark at Team@StewardshipForUs.com