A short time ago, we encouraged you to “Save the Date” for an upcoming FREE Stewardship for Us webinar and to stand by for information on participating.
Well, it’s Showtime!
This is an early – mid-point for many congregations in planning their annual stewardship campaign and supporting information programs for the year. Many of us no doubt have questions; our team would like to help address them.
This free webinar is being conducted specifically to answer your questions.
– Thinking about how to get members over discomfort in talking about money and generosity?
– Wondering how to recruit stewardship volunteers?
– Looking for ways to engage non or very low pledgers?
– In search of better tools for year-round engagement?
We’ll discuss topics like these and more, based on the questions you want answered. Raise your questions and learn what others are asking about as well.
This free webinar will be conducted twice, once on
Monday October 16, at 7 PM Pacific Time (10 PM EDT) (, with Kay Crider and Barry Finkelstein. THIS WEBINAR HAS BEEN CONDUCTED AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR REGISTRATION.
and again on
Tuesday, October 24, at 7 PM Eastern Time (4 PM PDT) with Bill Clontz and Mark Ewert
You are welcome to sign up for either session, no matter where you live, but the time zones likely indicate which session is best for you.
Three important notes for reserving your space:
— This is a 75 minute session. We will address questions as they are posted with registrations Sign up early for a better opportunity for YOUR question to be addressed. We will combine similar questions to facilitate responding to more questions.
— You are welcome to have as many people as you like (Board, Stewardship Team, etc.) present at your location for the call.
— When you ask to register, you will receive a reply email asking for some basic data (who you are, your congregation, etc.) and for questions and comments. This is the place to enter your burning question or brilliant observation!
The sessions will go much faster and will allow for more questions if you send in your questions at registration, so PLEASE DO SO. Once done, you will receive a confirmation email with the webinar link. Questions raised after the start of the webinar can only be addressed if time allows.
To register for the October 16th session at 7 PM Pacific time with Kay and Barry, click here:
To register for the October 24th session at 7 PM Eastern time with Bill and Mark, click here:
That’s it! See you online later this month.
— The Stewardship for Us team
Stewardship Consultant Barry Finkelstein has been a Unitarian Universalist congregational stewardship consultant since the Fall of 2007 and has worked with over 100 congregations on annual budget drives, capital campaigns, and strategic planning. This is Barry’s last post as he is retiring effective January 1, 2025.