Today we are launching our Stewardship For Us Team annual report! This year, we wanted to give a short, easy to digest picture of our activities last year. Since many of our client congregations and the Unitarian Universalist Association are on a fiscal year of July 1 to June 30, we are presenting our data for that timeframe as well – for FY18.
In FY18 we had 5 active consultants: Kay Crider, Barry Finkelstein, Liz Coit, Mark Ewert, and Bill Clontz. Bill Clontz just worked briefly during this time, as he was ramping down so he could be more involved in support for political campaigns and launching a new blog: Ramping up that year was our newest consultant Rachel Maxwell, who is active and busy with clients now – we are so glad she joined our team!
As you will see, we were busy with individual congregations, with activities that support multiple congregations, and with free or low cost resources any congregation might access. If you have any questions about the report or about the consulting and education we offer to UU organizations, please let us know.
The report is dedicated to the amazing congregational lay leaders, staff and clergy members who are working with us to improve stewardship, and to our partner in the Unitarian Universalist Association and particularly staff member in the Administration, Congregational Life Regions, and Stewardship & Development groups. These dedicated folks support our work and share many of the multi-congregation activities in this report.

Mark Ewert is a stewardship consultant, a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®), and a professional leadership and philanthropy coach (PCC) certified with the International Coaching Federation.
His experience includes founding a nonprofit, working as a fundraiser, and leading a national organization. Reach Mark at
Thanks for this very interesting graphic. When I hear “annual report”, I do tend to think of something more detailed, with financial info, but from your “about us” page, it is not clear that the group is a formal entity that would have such a thing, more a network of independent consultants. Is that correct?
Hi Sally, I am glad that you identify that you have preconceived notions about what an “annual report” is and should look like! This is in infographic format, which is meant to be a visual that can be taken in quickly and is suited to web-viewed media. It does forgo some of the detail in another format of report. Glad it is interesting to you; that was our hope! We are a group of consultants who work together (and with our UU partners!), with the same set of offerings, consistency in approach and delivery, and coordinated activities. If is actually much more aligned than a a network of independent consultants. Thanks for the comment; if you need more information, please feel free to contact me directly.
A splendid report, and a nice change from the traditional data and text report of years past. Congratulations to the team for a productive and contributory year. We are all lucky to have you among us.