We are entering a new era of Federal leadership – this is a challenge for many of us and our communities. Still the work carries on, perhaps with a different lens than it had before. To that end, let’s gather and talk about stewardship. We are finally ready with the report on the Pledge Drive Survey results from earlier this year.
Apologies this has taken so long, but UU congregations were doing so much good stewardship work this Summer (oh yes and other activities – like the election) that the time was not available for the data crunching and graphs and table creation. You will see that we retooled it this year, in hopes of making it more useful to you as you plan for the pledge drive this Spring. Particular apologies to the small number of you who have Fall drives – you are probably in the middle or wrapping yours up now. Still we hope this information will be helpful to you as well.
Date and Time
Please join us for a Friday Forum to present the Pledge Drive Survey results. We will send a message out in the middle of next week with the Zoom link to join us:
November 15th at 10 AM Pacific (11 AM Mountain, Noon Central, and 1 PM Eastern) for an hour
If you are signed up to receive our email blasts (like this one!) you will get the link. No need to sign up in any other way. The session will not be recorded. If you cannot attend, feel free to have another UU sign up for the email blast and attend.
After the Friday Forum, there will be a blog post that will include the results presentation. So even if you cannot attend, you will have access to the information. Anyone who signs up on this page for our email blasts will get notice of that blog being posted. It will be great to gather again!

Mark Ewert is a stewardship consultant, a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®), and a professional leadership and philanthropy coach (PCC) certified with the International Coaching Federation.
His experience includes founding a nonprofit, working as a fundraiser, and leading a national organization. Reach Mark at Team@StewardshipForUs.com