Let’s talk about webinars
Stewardship Consultant Bill Clontz
Before we know it, Fall will be here. For many congregations, that means new engagements and a full calendar of activities, starting with Ingathering and moving on to planning for the rest of the calendar year up through the following Summer.
Its the same for the Stewardship for Us team as well. We will resume our low cost webinar series in the Fall, focusing on a number of issues you have told us are important to you.
But first, we would like offer a free “warm up” seminar for the Summer: Team Member Bill Clontz will be presenting:
Does Your Congregation Need a Stewardship Consultant or Other Professional?
This webinar is focused on determining when you likely need (and when you likely don’t need) a stewardship consultant, and how best to engage a stewardship consultant.
Also included are recommendations for working with architects, general contractors, lawyers, and financiers/bankers.
This webinar will be conducted twice, once to best suit East Coast times (18 July, 7:30 PM EDT), once for the West Coast (21 July, 7:00 PM PDT).
(No problem with having several people at one station, if you wish to do so.
For more information and to sign up for an iteration, go to our RESOURCES page link, below:
We look forward to seeing you there!
Bill Clontz is a stewardship consultant with the Stewardship for Us Team, supporting the UUA.
You can reach Bill via email at bill@stewardshipforus.com ,via the UUA’s Congregational Life Directorate (http://www.uua.org/finance/fundraising/index.shtml ), or through your regional staff.
Your comments and observations are always welcome on this blog.

Stewardship Consultant Barry Finkelstein has been a Unitarian Universalist congregational stewardship consultant since the Fall of 2007 and has worked with over 50 congregations on annual budget drives, capital campaigns, and strategic planning. Reach Barry at Team@stewardshipforus.com