JOIN US at virtual GA!
Shelter-In-Place AND Work for Racial Justice with us at GA!
Come join us to learn what you can do as individuals, with your congregation, and in the community to turn the tide toward justice for people of color in the US. In our workshop at Virtual General Assembly on June 29th at , we’ll present a 90 minute adventure in how you can think about money in a new way– as medicine for our souls– to heal ourselves and each other. Anchored in the teachings of Edgar Villanueva’s book, Decolonizing Wealth, we will introduce his “Seven Steps for Healing” to inspire congregational stewardship, help us root our finances in an “enough” paradigm for our congregations, and directly address equity and inclusion for readiness in our congregational financial systems. We will also orient you to an amazing matching community investing program going on now, that any UU congregation can take advantage of.
Mark Ewert and Rachel Maxwell of Stewardship for Us will be joined by Charlotte Root, a congregation stewardship leader, and Vanessa Lowe, a community investment expert, to present Money as Medicine: Rooting, Inspiring, Readying Congregational Stewardship at GA. This will be a live, interactive event with opportunities for you to talk with peers, share knowledge, and ask questions.
Our program will be on Friday June 26th at 10:00 am Eastern / 7am Pacific at GA.
You must be registered for UUA General Assembly to attend.
Be sure to connect with Mark and Rachel through the GA App.

Rachel brings communities together to finance the things they value most. She is committed to stewarding our Unitarian Universalist communities toward healthy relationships with money and value. Her TEDx talk focuses on how we might create value together. She also co-founded and lead an innovative crowd-sourced lending platform, Community Sourced Capital. Reach Rachel at