In 2012, the UUA and the Southern Region embarked on a new course to improve how we share our resources. GIFT, Generously Investing For Tomorrow, is intended to be a simpler and more equitable program for providing the resources that enable our UUA and Southern Region team to serve our congregations and to represent our values and priorities at levels we could not do as individual congregations.
To provide information and to encourage reflection on GIFT, the Southern Region has provided a number of GIFT information tools on this web site, including most recently a set of GIFT FAQs. This blog will, from time to time, focus on one of those FAQs in an expanded discussion.
Q: An amount based on 7% of our Certified Operating Expenditures seems like a big increase to what we were contributing to the UUA previously. Why is that?
A: Remember that GIFT replaces not one, but two, calculations and contribution systems. GIFT includes both contributions to the UUA and to the region. What had been two formulas and two contributions is now one formula and one contribution. When most congregations compare their previous two-system amounts to what is asked of them by GIFT, they find the new system is simpler and in most cases asks no more from them.
Q: I understand the calculation basis is 7% or our Certified Operating Expenses. However, I have heard that some congregations are contributing as little as 5% and still have been certified as Honor Congregations in supporting the UUA. What is the story about that variance?
A: The covenantal nature of our faith is mutual. The UUA recognized that the move to a 7% ask under GIFT might represent a challenge for a few congregations, so the UUA wanted to offer support to congregations with a plan to get to the full ask amount. Therefore during the first year of the GIFT program, congregations were accorded full Honor Congregation status when contributing at 5% or higher. This year, contributions of 6% or above will be considered Honor, but this too is a temporary “stopping place” on the way to the full 7%. Next year, 7% contributions will be Honor level. Remember, no increases were built into the GIFT program. The GIFT program is a more equitable funding program, but only if those who are asked to give do so. When we contribute less, less is available to support our wider goals and support structure.
Q: An amount based on 7% of our Certified Operating Expenditures seems like a big increase to what we were contributing to the UUA previously. Why is that?
A: Remember that GIFT replaces not one, but two, calculations and contribution systems. GIFT includes both contributions to the UUA and to the region. What had been two formulas and two contributions is now one formula and one contribution. When most congregations compare their previous two-system amounts to what is asked of them by GIFT, they find the new system is simpler and in most cases asks no more from them.
Q: I understand the calculation basis is 7% or our Certified Operating Expenses. However, I have heard that some congregations are contributing as little as 5% and still have been certified as Honor Congregations in supporting the UUA. What is the story about that variance?
A: The covenantal nature of our faith is mutual. The UUA recognized that the move to a 7% ask under GIFT might represent a challenge for a few congregations, so the UUA wanted to offer support to congregations with a plan to get to the full ask amount. Therefore during the first year of the GIFT program, congregations were accorded full Honor Congregation status when contributing at 5% or higher. This year, contributions of 6% or above will be considered Honor, but this too is a temporary “stopping place” on the way to the full 7%. Next year, 7% contributions will be Honor level. Remember, no increases were built into the GIFT program. The GIFT program is a more equitable funding program, but only if those who are asked to give do so. When we contribute less, less is available to support our wider goals and support structure.
Questions? Contact your Southern Region Primary Contact (if you do not know who serves as your Primary Contact, identify them at
You may also contact the UUA Congregational Giving Director, Rev. Vail Weller, at or utilize the dedicated GIFT inquiry email address at
You may also contact the UUA Congregational Giving Director, Rev. Vail Weller, at or utilize the dedicated GIFT inquiry email address at
Stewardship Consultant Barry Finkelstein has been a Unitarian Universalist congregational stewardship consultant since the Fall of 2007 and has worked with over 100 congregations on annual budget drives, capital campaigns, and strategic planning. This is Barry’s last post as he is retiring effective January 1, 2025.