General Assembly Workshop Recordings – Open!

Sorry not this year! Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray at GA2019 © 2019 Nancy Pierce/UUA

If you missed it, video recordings from the Unitarian Universalist Association virtual General Assembly this past June are now available for your binge-watching online. You can watch the main plenary speakers, worship and ceremonies, business of the Association, and workshops. Unlike previous years, almost everything was recorded and is available.

There are a couple of good stewardship workshops, including Money as Medicine. This is the one Rachel Maxwell and Mark Ewert were part of presenting, along with Charlotte Root of the Unitarian Church in Montpelier, Vermont and Vanessa Lowe of the UUA Socially Responsible Investing Committee and the Unitarian Society of Germantown, PA.

Note: this is a set of videos on Vimeo. There is a Search box so that you can look for a specific video by its title. However, you cannot search by “stewardship” or “finance” and find the workshops that address those themes (unless that word is in the title). For that you will need to look at the Program and find the titles of the ones you want to view.

Host a Gathering

If you use a platform like Zoom it is easy to set a time, put out an invitation to others in your congregation, and Share Screen to view a recording together. This will allow you to discuss it as a group to further your learning, or move to action!

Looking for more resource videos? Try using the UUA LeaderLab, which is easy to navigate and chock-full of useful resources in all areas of congregational life.

Liz Coit, Kay Crider, Mark Ewert, Barry Finkelstein and Rachel Maxwell are part of the Stewardship for Us team. Please send your questions and topic suggestions for our blog or online Friday Forum discussions to