Thinking about GIFT FAQs:
Why Should We Support the Region and the UUA?
by Bill Clontz, Stewardship Consultant
In 2012, the UUA and the Southern Region embarked on a new course to improve how we share our resources. GIFT, Generously Investing For Tomorrow, is intended to be a simpler and more equitable program for providing the resources that enable our UUA and Southern Region team to serve our congregations and to represent our values and priorities at levels we could not do as individual congregations.
To provide information and to encourage reflection on GIFT, the Southern Region has provided a number of GIFT information tools on this web site, including most recently a set of GIFT FAQs. This blog will, from time to time, focus on one of those FAQs in an expanded discussion. Today we are examining the question:
Does the GIFT program ask a higher level of contribution for congregations than the previous system? How much more is being asked of congregations?
Does the GIFT program ask a higher level of contribution for congregations than the previous system? How much more is being asked of congregations?
A: The short answer is no, for most of us the amount we are asked to contribute is about the same or less than under the old system. Important factors to remember (which some of us forget when thinking about GIFT) in considering this question are in bold text below.
The change in the amount requested from the current system will vary by congregation; you can easily compare what you were asked to pay previously (before the GIFT program) to what you are being asked to pay now. Keep in mind when calculating and comparing that the amount asked by GIFT program covers both the regional and the UUA funding requests (which would now be $86 per member under the earlier APF formula), and that the ask is based upon 7% of your certified congregational expenditures as reported by our congregation on and that the ask is based upon 7% of your certified congregational expenditures.
Under the GIFT program, the majority of our congregations are asked to remain at about the same level of contribution, or are asked for less. About 40% of our congregations have experienced an increase (most minor, but some significant). The system is designed to be a zero sum gain; that is, the Southern Region overall is not giving more than it did under the old system. Contributions at 7% of expenditures across all Southern Region congregations will fund the UUA and region at approximately the same level as they were previously; GIFT just spreads the cost more equitably. We are glad to work with congregations who are asked for more under GIFT to help them make a plan to get to full participation.
As always, your questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed by your Regional Congregational Life Staff Primary Contact, the Congregational Giving Director, or at a dedicated email address at the UUA:
Stewardship Consultant Barry Finkelstein has been a Unitarian Universalist congregational stewardship consultant since the Fall of 2007 and has worked with over 100 congregations on annual budget drives, capital campaigns, and strategic planning. This is Barry’s last post as he is retiring effective January 1, 2025.