
Make Great Stewardship Happen

Create a 5-Year Strategic Financial Plan

Is it easy and painless to balance your operating budget each year? Are you facing a budget deficit?  Are you able to set aside sufficient reserves?  Do most of your members (and pledging friends) understand the financial realities of your congregation?  Is everyone comfortable talking about money and its relationship to mission?  Is it easy

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Virtual Stewardship for a New Church Year

Unitarian Universalist congregations did a terrific job reacting to the novel coronavirus pandemic.  With support from the UUA and each other, we transformed operations to the virtual universe.  We began conducting everything from Sunday services to religious education classes to meetings and small groups using Zoom.  And stewardship followed suit as our congregations conducted successful

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Money as Medicine: Rooting, Inspiring, Readying Congregational Stewardship

We hosted a lively program at virtual GA on June 26th,  introducing Edgar Villanueva’s book, Decolonizing Wealth, and his seven steps to healing through money, or using money as medicine. Over 175 people joined our session to learn and discuss the ways in which their congregations can engage in this work.  Villanueva’s Seven Steps are:

Money as Medicine: Rooting, Inspiring, Readying Congregational Stewardship Read More »