Fundraisers for Congregations During COVID-19: Pizza Anyone?

Our Unitarian Universalist congregations have always been creative about our fundraisers and these unprecedented times show we are stepping up to the challenge! There are several ways UU’s are helping the bottom line with fundraisers using food, music, education, and re-imagining typical church events like an annual auction.  At a minimum, here are some key […]

Fundraisers for Congregations During COVID-19: Pizza Anyone? Read More »

Symposium on Stewardship During Virtual Sundays

The focus of this week’s Zoom Symposium was Stewardship During Virtual Sundays. We hope our slides and video, as well as the sharing of ideas among congregations, are helpful as you continue to build a Sunday online experience, and other virtual programs for your congregation.   The symposium covered the opportunities for asking for pledges and

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Taking Stock: How are Pledge Drives and Fulfillment Going?

Welcome to another in our series of Stewardship as Community Care posts. In our March 26th blog, we discussed budgeting in uncertain times. Today we complement that subject by exploring congregations’ fiscal year (FY) 2020 pledge fulfillment and expectations for the annual pledge drive for FY 21. July 1, 2020 marks the beginning of the

Taking Stock: How are Pledge Drives and Fulfillment Going? Read More »