Mark Ewert

???????????????????????????????Mark Ewert is a stewardship consultant, a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®), and an professional leadership & philanthropy coach, certified (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation. He is also a board member with the Faith and Money Network.

He brings intelligence and skills based on founding a nonprofit, working as a fundraiser, and leading a national organization.

His focus is on helping congregations to grow their cultures of stewardship, and on helping individuals and families to be more skillful in their financial generosity. Aside from working with over 40 congregations during the last twelve years, he has been a lay leader in stewardship and board president of his own large congregation. Beyond this work, he has given sermons and led workshops in congregations, at regional gatherings, and at national events. Mark has been the philanthropy writer for The Motley Fool and is the author of The Generosity Path: Finding the Richness in Giving (Skinner House Books).

Comments on Working with Mark

Best training… delighted

Stewardship Consulting Testimonial
Barb Robinson

I have heard so many people say that your training was the best they’ve ever had. Others who were nervous were delighted with the opportunity to go make visits.

Barb Robinson, UU Congregation of the Quad Cities

Great workshop

Thanks again for a great workshop. Our team certainly left energized and imagining new possibilities for stewardship at First Church Boston.

Lisa Garcia-Sampson, Intern Minister

Enthusiastic thanks

Let me add my enthusiastic thanks for your very wise assistance to us. You helped us sort through some ideas and get the big picture, as well as getting some thorny details figured out. You also confirmed our basic approach to stewardship that increases our confidence and, indeed, energy going into the next campaign. We contrasted our meeting last night with the meeting two years ago and celebrated our progress.

Sue Wilson, Past President Universalist Church of West Hartford

Webinar… hanging on every word

Thank you so much. We had five members of the Board of Trustees from NWUUC – Atlanta, present in my living room for your webinar. We were hanging on every word, and we’ll be discussing your thoughts in greater detail at our upcoming board meeting, and going forward.

David Zenner, Board member, Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Sandy Springs, GA

One word… Outstanding

I would sum up the weekend with one word … outstanding! Thanks to you and the UUA for making such an excellent resource available to us here in Stow.

Roy Miller, Stewardship Chair, First Parish Church of Stow and Acton

It was an invaluable experience

…some of your insights have shifted the way we are seeing things here and talking about our future. I feel like it was an invaluable experience.

Rev. Laura Smidzik, Michael Servetus Unitarian Society

Stewardship culture already shifting

Stewardship Coaching Review
Rev Tim Temerson

Thanks so much for your good words and for your very good work with our congregation. I feel your visit was an enormous blessing and that no matter what the final totals of the budget drive may be, the stewardship culture of this congregation is already shifting. And we owe you an enormous of debt of gratitude for that!

Rev. Tim Temerson, UU Church of Akron, OH

Increased our confidence

Stewardship Coaching Client Review
Liz Bredeson

After several successive campaigns that struggled to recruit volunteers, generate excitement and increase pledges; we were in need of an injection of enthusiasm. Mark increased our confidence in our ability to run a cottage-meeting pledge drive. I appreciated Mark’s approach in making sure the team understand not only what to do, but why we should follow the steps he advised.

Liz Bredeson, Stewardship Lead Volunteer, First Unitarian Church of Des Moines, IA

Insights are right on

The overwhelming response has been positive to not only your small group and one-on-one meetings, but various members of the congregation have given unsolicited responses in praise of your presentation following Sunday’s service – that you are knowledgeable – and “expert”, that you come across as warm, caring and empathetic, and that your insights are/were valuable or “right on.”

Administrator, UU Church of Asheville

Capital campaign much more successful

Our capital campaign was much richer and more successful from having your guidance.

Jamie Sharp, Capital Campaign volunteer UU Society of Iowa City, IA

Webinar very helpful

I found the webinar very helpful and informative. The sound quality was excellent and the slides/graphics were a real enhancement and easy to read. I would like to thank your moderator, Mark Ewert, for an excellent job.

Frank Holstein, Board member, Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing, NJ

Amazing knowledge base

As Mark promised, the visioning weekend sessions were full, busy and very energizing. We have received great feedback from those who participated and several newer community members and folks who had been involved in other efforts, emerged as true leaders and are enthusiastic about taking the results of the visioning weekend to the next step. We appreciate Mark’s amazing knowledge base and his humorous and effective leadership style!

John Lyons, President, First Religious Society in Carlisle, MA

Very easy to work with

Overall, Mark is the best consultant with whom I have worked with in our congregation over the years. He is very insightful, direct and helpful. It is very easy to work with Mark and he is very efficient with his time. And, he interfaces well with congregational members and friends.

Creighton Cray, Stewardship Leader, Community UU Church of White Plains, NY

We are FIZZING with inspiration

I LOVED this workshop!! We who attended are FIZZING with inspiration and ideas. Mark’ facilitation was a revelation!!

Robin Lovrien, President of UU Church of Ellsworth, ME