
Make Great Stewardship Happen

Create a 5-Year Strategic Financial Plan

Is it easy and painless to balance your operating budget each year? Are you facing a budget deficit?  Are you able to set aside sufficient reserves?  Do most of your members (and pledging friends) understand the financial realities of your congregation?  Is everyone comfortable talking about money and its relationship to mission?  Is it easy […]

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Nurture our Congregations and One Another

When the Annual Meeting is Over…Planning for Financial Sustainability in Changing Times   

It’s that time of year when many Unitarian Universalist congregations gather for their Annual Meetings. New budgets are prepared and approved. Boards and Finance teams have reviewed pledge projections and other sources of income; and they’ve estimated costs for everything from the comprehensive role a minister plays, to improved technology capacity, to lightbulb replacement, to

When the Annual Meeting is Over…Planning for Financial Sustainability in Changing Times    Read More »