Webinar: Gift Acceptance Policy

What kinds of gifts does your congregation want? What kinds of gifts is your congregation not prepared to accept? These two questions are pivotal to asking for and receiving financial gifts that will stabilize the congregation’s finances, fuel your mission, and prepare for the future. They also make a difference to people who want to give you financial gifts, so they know their gifts are needed, appreciated, and used well – oh and don’t create a bunch of conflict among the congregants.

Kitty in Bag
Source: Flickr user, Audrey

The key to answering these two questions and communicating to your potential donors about them is a Gift Acceptance Policy. This webinar will cover the elements of a good policy, its purposes and uses, and informing your congregation about it. Whether you are planning an Annual Pledge Drive, a Capital Campaign, or are planning to participate in the Wake Now Our Vision Legacy Challenge program, you will need an up-to-date Gift Acceptance Policy. That is why this webinar is for board members, ministers, finance teams, and endowment committees from all congregations – regardless of your size or governance program.

See the Eventbrite site to sign up.

Hint: Click on the Eventbrite name above and it will open the Webinar event window.

Note: there is a small fee charged for this webinar.

Mark EwertMark Ewert is a stewardship consultant with the Stewardship For Us team. Mark works with congregations on their Long Term Stewardship programs and can be reached at mewert@stewardshipforus.com, via the UUA’s Congregational Stewardship Resources page, (http://www.uua.org/finance/fundraising/consulting), or through your regional staff.